It's been just over a month since I resigned from my day job to pursue illustration full time, and I'm still alive! Actually, if someone had told me two years ago that there would come a day I'd wake up and think, "What should I paint today... Magic or Star Wars?" I'd have made them pinch me to make sure I wasn't dreaming... or dead.
Of course, the biggest worry about switching from a well-paid full time office job to freelance illustration was money. That's why I hesitated for so long, and I think that's what artists fear the most about the transition. For me personally, having the extra time has been well worth it. I'm seeing a vast improvement in the quality of my artwork so far. Even better, I've been able to take on
more work, which is helping to close the financial gap a little bit. Going on a budget is never fun or easy, but I'd prefer to give up some luxuries and turn the heat down a few degrees than continue to kill myself working two jobs.
Period. And hey, I'm saving on gas money by not spending 2 hours in traffic every day. ;)
The biggest day-to-day challenge so far has been keeping track of what day/time it is, so I've been relying on my calendars and digital alarms a lot more. December has turned into a very busy month- so busy that I couldn't have handled all the art orders on evenings and weekends alone. But I'm working at a comfortable fast pace, and in the extra time between assignments I've been able to start some personal work, and do things I've neglected for a long time (like updating my blog!)